Antivirus software blog-I know all about antivirus software!'

Antivirus software blog-I dislike computer viruses - what I dislike more is antivirus software that you pay for and they dont even remove the viruses ,spyware,rootkits,botnets,Trojans and adware

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Alternatives to McAfee,Norton antivirus software

Are there alternatives to McAfee,Norton and Symantec antivirus software?

We are all familiar with the heuristic antivirus software products peddled by these mega antivirus vendors. We are familiar with the massive virus signature databases these antivirus software makers maintain.

And we know that this kind of antivirus software does not work!

What the world needs is behavioral and intention based antivirus software. In the beginning of 2007, we will present a review of all behavioral and intention based antivirus software in the market.

So, wish you all a great new year -hopefully to a world where there are no viruses or spyware..
Imagine if you can..

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

AVG antivirus- How good is the free AVG antivirus download?

AVG antivirus- Aha, the promise of a free antivirus software. We wish the AVG antivirus software was GPL, in addition to offering a free download.

But,hey,one cannot wish for the moon, when nothing is life is free-least of all,a good antivirus software

Unfortunately, AVG antivirus is not anything to write home about. AVG antivirus just about makes the grade when it comes to antivirus software- the AVG antivirus software is buggy and not really great. The only good point about AVG antivirus and its a cynical point - AVG antivirus's competitors such as Symantec and McAfee antivirus are not any better.

On a homorous note, if you feel safer having to pay for bad antivirus software- buy Symantec or McAfee antivirus- If you are comfortable with a free antivirus software that is equally bad, download AVG antivirus software.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Kaspersky's antivirus software has rootkits-Highly disappointed!

Kaspersky's antivirus software has rootkits-Highly disappointed!

I believe Symantec has also inserted a rootkit in its antivirus software and actually called it a 'bug'! :-)

Kaspersky's antivirus software has rootkits-Highly disappointed!

Kaspersky's antivirus software has rootkits-Highly disappointed!

In this rootkits article,Kaspersky antivirus software apparently has rootkits in its antivirus software. This is scary, even antivirus software companies are joining the likes of companies such as Sony is deliberately inserting rootkits in client machines.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Re:: Do antivirus software companies create viruses?

A BC/DR disk storage consultant!So boring? Of course not!: Do antivirus software companies create viruses?

I would really agree with this hypothesis that antivirus software companies probably create the computer viruses in the first place.. It makes perfect economic sense for antivirus software companies to create viruses in the first place