Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Rootkit controversy

The rootkit controversy involving Sony is definitely scary- Corporations now seem to think they can install any software on your PC as long as they have a 'Privacy Policy' that no one reads.. Corporations need to realise that they are unleashing a Frankenstein in the form of rootkits and this may haunt them in the future.

In the absence of good antivirus software, Fortune 100 companies , at least, need to practice self-regulation to prevent runaway marketing and product initiatives that could also damage the corporate brand..

Sony no longer stands for 'trust' for me..


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12:44 AM  
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1:22 PM  
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7:35 PM  
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(It’s a keeper), One last thing, here’s a great quote
from Doug Larson - "Home computers are being called
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consumption of homework formerly eaten by the dog." -
Doug Larson

6:05 PM  
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9:28 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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did get my attention and interest. I see why I arrived
on your excellent website when I was searching for
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even though its not an exact fit. I’ll contribute to
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quote from Walter Mossberg:: "Why shouldn't a PC work
like a refrigerator or a toaster? " -- Walter

9:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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even though its not an exact fit. I’ll contribute to
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like a refrigerator or a toaster? " -- Walter

7:50 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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experience on free adware and I found your website.
Rootkit controversy wasn’t exactly what I was looking for but it
did get my attention and interest. I see why I arrived
on your excellent blog when I was searching for
free adware related information and I’m glad I did
even though its not an exact fit. Well let me contribute
to your website by leaving you with one of my favorite
quote from Robert Orben: "To err is human - and to
blame it on a computer is even more so. - Robert Orben
Informative Post, thanks for the read and nice

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11:22 PM  

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